formula s 40

(512) 931-1962
Standardmaschinen - Formatkreissäge - formula s 40

Alle Maschinen der Produktreihe „formula“ sind von SCM zertifiziert und garantiert.

The high quality construction of the formula s 40 circular saw guarantees professional work.


Sturdy structure

The saw unit with an hardened cast iron work table and an innovative operating unit prevent viibration to ensure excellent finishing. The height adjustment on round guides ensures smooth movements even after years of use.

Smooth movement and sturdy support surface

The saw carriage of the formula s 40 circular saw utilizes a sliding system on aluminum stiff profiles with hardened steel guides using an exclusive method of mechanical fixing. This allows a straight line precision of +/- 0,05 mm along the entire carriage length. The best precision is guaranteed overtime even with intensive use and without maintenance.

Optimal support
The large squaring framet enables the squaring of panels up to 3200 x 3200 mm. It is fitted with a guide complete with two reversible stops and an idle roller to facilitate the loading of large panels. The guide also allows angular cutting up to 45°.

Technische Daten
formula    s 40
Squaring capacity mm 3200
Standard cutting width with rip fence mm 1270
Max. saw blade projection from the table at 90° mm 140
Max. saw blade projection from the table at 45° mm 99
Motor power with direct start (standard) kW 7


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