(512) 931-1962
Machines pour la finition - Séchoirs verticaux - CONTIVERT ETC 1

Designed for drying or drying in laminar flow air. The dryer has 6 carpet trays enclosed in the drying chamber, moved by means of a special up / down system. Through the vertical movement, each tray is cyclically brought to the loading and unloading windows where, with synchronized speed to that of the line, the output of the dried pieces and the load of freshly painted pieces takes place simultaneously. The semi-closed-circuit ventilation system guarantee a controlled air flow, which is guided between the trays by targeted openings and side closing barriers.


QUALITY: Drying parameter controlled.

ENERGY SAVING: Controlled ventilation system that allows you to better manage the recirculation of the air flow in order to optimize the recovery of the heat generated.

FAST: Thanks to the controlled ventilation, which reduces the required drying time compared to drying in the environment, ensuring optimal conditions of filtered air to minimize wastes. The dryer is generally divided into a drying zone, two temperature-controlled drying zones and one cooling zone.

SPACE SAVING: possibility to obtain long drying times in reduced spaces, exploiting the accumulation of the pieces vertically, developing the dryer in height.

Données techniques
Six daylight dryer  CONTIVERT ETC1 mod.

useful length

ETC1 - 5500


ETC1 - 6500


ETC1 - 7500


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