dmc sd 30

(512) 931-1962
Breedbandschuurmachines - Automatische schuur- en kalibreermachines - dmc sd 30

Ideaall voor kleine-en middelgrote bedrijven. Het kalibreren van massief hout en het schuren van fineer is mogelijke op de machine.
Op het model met een werkbreedte van 1100 mm is tevens een elektronisch gesegmenteerde schuurschoen mogelijk.


Mesar” sectional pad: the best finish with any material. Higher quality results due to the special shape of the sectors that allows the operator to intervene “softly” but also in an “aggressive” way, simply by varying the working pressure. The setting of the pad position and the possibility of using foils of different thickness increases its versality.

eye-S” electronic programmer: easiliy avoid mistakes. Simple and intuitive, allowing the operator to set all processing parameters in sequence and then launch them with the touch of a button. The possibility to store various work programs to retrieve the machine settings most commonly used makes it ideal even for unskilled operators.

diamond-shaped belt: no slipping of the work pieces. The special geometry of the diamond-shaped profile of the transport belt provides the best traction surface for the work piece and with the increased support area also ensures maximum stability.

Led indicator for panel intoduction. Simple and intuitive, communicating to the operator where and when the panel has to be introduced into the machine and optimising the standard wear of the sanding belt; this ensures a better quality finish and reduced machine costs.

Technische gegevens


95 110  
Werkbreedte 950 1.100 mm
Min./max. werkstukdikte 4 - 170 4 - 170 mm
Schuurbandbreedte 970 1.115 mm
Schuurbandlengte 1.900 1.900 mm
Standaard motorvermogen 11 (15) 11 (15) kW
Doorvoersnelheid 4,5/9 4,5/9 m/min
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