dmc system b

(512) 931-1962
Breedbandschuurmachines - Automatische schuur- en kalibreermachines - dmc system b

dmc system b is the highly configurable calibrating sanding machine with lower machining unit for companies that require sanding the lower side of the panel.

Ideal for in-line apllications. The machine employs high-performance technologies, among which stand out:

  • the exclusive planetary unit and finesand unit for multidirectional sanding;
  • the combined roller/pad unit;
  • crossbelt unit with sanding belt lenght up to 9500mm and the superfinishing unit, both equipped with "EPICS" electronic pad or with the special system of automatic differentiated working pressures "PWM-3" (SCM exclusive);
  • the operating unit with brushing rollers with abrasive strips (up to 400mm).

Multiple machining operations can be carried out in a single machine, thanks to the supporting structure which can house up to 5 machining heads.

Perfect for in-line applications which require high installed powers and high feed-speed rates.

High finishing standard thanks to the several types of operating units that can be used, such as: superfinishing unit, crossbelt unit or the plantary unit.

Total management of the machine through “eye-M” control panel with 17" touch-screen , the machine is developed according to the Industry 4.0 principles.

Technische gegevens
Working width mm 650-1350-1650-2200
Min/max working thickness with fixed working table mm 3-160
Longitudinal sanding belts width mm 670-1370-1670-2270
Longitudinal sanding belts length mm 1900/2620
Working table height (fixed height from the ground) mm 900/1440


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