compact 3 p

(512) 931-1962
Lakierowanie i wykańczanie powierzchni - Automaty lakiernicze - compact 3 p

If you need to work small batches in a precise way, the Compact 3P is the right spraying machine for you. The electronic system manages the spraying area control. The central conveyor in the spraying area has a paper protection system. The machine can also be equipped with a lacquer supply system with a tank on the arm for spraying small batches.


QUALITY: Double spraying arm is installed on a high precision linear guide inside the pressurized cabin.

MAINTENANCE: Full-size doors access the cabin from both sides for easy cleaning and maintenance operations.

EASE: The system is integrated with a paper conveyor which rolls and unrolls itself automatically. This allows you to go from one application to another easily.

WORK PLANNING: A color touch-screen panel is integrated with our simple and intuitive software, which has the ability to set working parameters, memorize recallable recipes, diagnostics and periodic maintenance programming.

Dane techniczne
compact 3 p  
Working width 1300 mm.
Workpiece max. thickness 90 mm.
Working height 900 mm.
Feed speed 2 ÷ 6 m/min
Conveying system with paper protecting device
Electronic control PLC or PC as option
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