mini reflex

(512) 931-1962
Lakierowanie i wykańczanie powierzchni - Automaty lakiernicze - mini reflex

Mini Reflex is the evolution of mini, which is the perfect solution for all that want to move from spray by hand to an automatic spraying.

Mini Reflex can be used in two different operating modes: the first one is based on loading and unloading panels by a single operator, from the same side of the machine.

The second one, if you need a bigger production capacity, it’s the standard mode of our mini, using it with two operators, one for loading and one for unloading. 



The reflex system works thanks to a special device controlling the movements of the paper back and forth by minimazing the paper consuption, allowing the panel to move on clean paper.


Mini reflex can be considered a flexible finishing cell thanks to the integration of a handling automatic systems


Easy management of small batches with frequent color changes. Ability to spray flat or shaped panels. The integrated software recognizes each panel’s dimensions.


Spraying arm installed is on high precision linear guide with brushless motor drive for precise and smooth motion

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