
Furniture Technologies





Franco Tartagni笑容满面地欢迎我们:据说工厂能够反映出其创办者和管理者的面貌。在本案例中确实如此。这个工厂非常大,面积超过45,000平方米,所有一切都井井有条、整洁有序,甚至令人愉悦,整个工厂似乎都在微笑。当然,也存在一些问题,有些事情需要改进,有些需要解决,但给人的感觉是绝对肯定的:这是一个不错的地方。





"我这里就不再详述了,但我们从跨国公司Golden Lady收购了其决定要关闭的Omsa厂房,并将它转变成了今天你所看到的工厂",Tartagni环顾四周后告诉我们。"我们雇佣了他们原本要解雇的150名员工。2012年4月22日,我们购买了大楼;9月份,在我们的新员工接受强化的课程培训后,我们在完全翻新的大楼和全新的厂房内开始了生产。几个月后,我们创造了一个奇迹,这还不算那几个月内由于艾米利亚地区遭受地震导致许多车间为我们竭尽全力地工作"。



但是,法恩扎新工厂真的令人印象深刻:"…… 这个工厂极其灵活,使我们每天都能完成预定计划",Tartagni继续说道。"比如说,如果我们今天计划必须生产1,125套沙发,那么到了今晚将会有1,125套沙发装到卡车上。要记住,我们每天至少要生产60种不同的型号,每种型号都有20个版本,这意味着我们每天平均生产的1,200套沙发在形状、颜色、尺寸、座位数和功能方面有300个不同版本。我们工厂的每个穿梭平台都是我们的其中一套沙发从最初的木质结构件到成品的制造和组装的工作台。整个过程都遵循制定的计划和计算机化的管理,提醒每个工位必须为下一套沙发准备哪些材料或机械装置"。










Our collaboration with SCM

After purchasing three "gabbiani" beam saws from SCM, the Atl Group wanted to take a further step up the quality ladder in terms of high technology, by acquiring the brand new "gabbiani a2" angular panel saw, "I believe this SCM solution to be a small revolution in the world of sizing. We were looking for a technology that would provide us with maximum flexibility. The result far exceeded our expectations and we find ourselves with a cutting line that allows us to mass produce and on which we can work any material without any problem".

An extremely versatile, powerful machine that has changed the way we work at Atl Group: "In the past, we were often running behind. Now the production of a large part of our semi-manufactured goods can be handled without stress and for a hard-and-fast programming like ours, that is a huge advantage".

Indeed, the new "gabbiani a2" was designed to meet every kind of panel machining requirement, from mass production to "batch 1". With 95, 115 and 125 blade projection options, it offers maximum performance in terms of productivity and cutting quality, and this occurs thanks to the new functional units found in the range: from Saw set, for a fast, accurate automatic tool change, to Flexcut 1D that allows for complex cutting patterns in rapid times. The powered side aligner for fast positioning during the cutting process and the automatic panel labelling system before the cutting stage, that drastically reduces processing times, are key to increasing productivity.

Another important advantage our customers appreciate is the possibility for the machine to guarantee perfect cleanliness both inside the machine and the work environment. This is thanks to the Zero dust system, the innovative unit fitted with an automatic system that intervenes at each cut to contain thesaw dust and guarantee their complete extraction.

In the case of nesting processing of drums and internal structure of sofas, the Atl Group chose to replace the shaping machine supplied with a high performing automated cell: “accord 40 nst”. A technological project designed specifically to suit this customer, considering we are talking about a highly customisable cell. 

This solution also guarantees a high level of productivity, working several shifts, and stands out for its high level of automation. 

The cell can process three panels simultaneously thanks to the exclusive pusher at the machine entrance, that allows for up to three thick overlapping panels to be loaded, and the two groups of separate operators to work in parallel, each one equipped with a head to drill and high powered electrospindle. The loading system has two separate nailing units while the double conveyor at the exit is the machine's lifeline, considering the significant speed with which the machining is carried out. The operator should only be concerned with picking up the finished piece from the unloading station while the machine continues to work unattended in the intermediate stations.

Tartagni finishes off by saying: "There is another aspect of our relationship with SCM that I like to mention, and that is, the level of assistance. Our plants need to be reliable under any circumstances and this is why we chose technological partners capable of providing us with the best assistance".

Atl Group Spa(意大利)


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