Katiusha Dyatkovo

Furniture Technologies




这个定义非常窄,因为Dmi家具厂(使该集团广为人知的品牌)所涉及的实际上要多得多。它不仅提供"Design Mobili per Interni"(室内家具设计),还采用真正的集成系统,通过生产刨花板(俄罗斯最大的生产商)并用树脂在附近的结构中进行合成,实现从圆木到成品家具的整个过程。不远处是印刷装饰纸的部门,进行浸渍、层压和初步加工的生产线。这是布良斯克州地区森林里的一个世界,距离莫斯科四百公里路程。小镇的另一侧是家具厂和总部,于2003年建造,用了18个月的时间。该工业集团由20家公司组成,员工人数超过2,700人,对外贸易额为4500万欧元(独联体以外),虽然这个数字在最近的卢布危机前达到1个亿。




Every day at Katyusha around 1,500 pieces of furniture in 4,500 boxes are produced, because it is a “flat pack” system. 18,000 square metres of warehouse, hundreds of trucks to be loaded and departing for the more than 400 points of sale throughout Russia, from Moscow to Vladivostok.

It’s a constantly evolving giant: in recent years, it launched its kitchen production department, a new 7,000 square metre factory. This was followed by the launch of the new factory where panel production was moved to and which doubled its volumes: 250 thousand cubic metres per year.


"我们决定与意大利设计师合作,并且我们很快就看到了成果:来到我们商店的家庭真的很喜欢他们看到的产品。"-  - Sergey Avdeev, Katiusha总经理

四十个"系列",数千种不同的家具制品。两种产品等级:DMI VERDE或"绿色"(双人和单人卧室、起居室、门厅);DMI ORANGE或"橙色",这是更年轻、更多彩的类别。

"我们决定与意大利设计师合作,并且我们很快就看到了成果:来到我们商店的家庭真的很喜欢他们看到的产品,"Katiusha充满热情的总经理Sergey Avdeev表示。



甚至面漆也是"意大利制造"的:色彩是Dmi的中心主题,使用Superfici涂装线进行处理:双面刷光机、吹风机和抗静电装置,用于实现完美的工件清洁;"F1"辊涂机;"Selecure" UV干燥机,"Bravorobot" 5轴喷涂机器人,带四个通风级的立式烘箱。



SCM started with a very clear request from the customer: have the chance to work with a single panel edgebanding machine, both straight, with various kinds of thickness, and shaped, with 45 degree softforming machining and special J-Shape and U-Shape profiles. Furthermore, the customer needed to regularly and rapidly change the kind of glue for both processes while always keeping accuracy and quality levels high. Indeed, the company used both white and neutral polyurethane glue according to the different furniture elements to be produced, in this case, mostly kitchens.

The result was intense, productive team work between SCM and Katyusha to create a "turnkey" edgebanding machine with unique performance with the aid of SCM's experts. A real "wildcard" for the Russian company, thanks to the quantity and quality of the operator units that were added in, all of them separate from one another, to raise performance levels and production flexibility to maximum heights.

One special scoring unit stands out from the rest, with electronic regulator that allows for a change from a straight panel to one that is shaped without having to remove the protective film on the panel and, therefore, without any risk of lifting it up.

Another advantage is set-up speed between the different kinds of machining, thanks to the electronic axes positioned on the upper boards to reposition the working line.



文本:Luca Rossetti - 木纤维


Katiusha Dyatkovo(俄罗斯)




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