Kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, bathroom areas and wardrobes... How complex it can be working on components for furniture in each zone of the house within the same production unit! This is also the case for the edge banding process looking to be ever more sophisticated, fast, exact and flexible, in line with design and furniture trends. Format, thickness, décor and panel gluing quality change, but this should not lead to production downtime and should be easier to handle. The new SCM stefani cell flexible edge banding systems for "batch 1" combine high productivity, maximum customisation and excellent quality. The top of the range stefani cell H, the new edge banding cell and square-edging cell is a clear example of this and is fitted with an automatic panel feeder system, designed to guarantee both production volumes at industrial level as well as a maximum diversification of the production batch. How can you be sure you are always feeding in the panel correctly? How can you always have all the information on each panel being machined? How can you be sure you are always meeting processing times? Stefani cell H satisfies these demands. Via a display in the operator's area, SIDE FINDER technology shows how to position the panel so that it receives the best machining possible. At the same time, continuous panel tracking is guaranteed by Maestro Active watch supervision software, even from mobile devices.
Find out more about the range and the event, from 7 to 9 November at the Edgebanding Tech Lab SCM in Thiene (Vicenza).