
(512) 931-1962
Systems for timber construction - 木结构数控加工中心 - area龙门式5轴数控加工中心

area是采用移动式龙门结构和模块化配置的创新型5轴数控加工中心,用于加工大型木结构单元,例如用于墙壁、直型和弯曲结构梁的CLT板材。可加工最大4.5 m宽、50 m长的构件。


Walls and floors in CLT, curved structural beams, insulating panels and wall panels for caravans, including thick elements with operations performed by a 5-axis routing head.

EASY ACCESS TO THE WORKTABLE for effortless loading of the elements to be processed, thanks to the use of sliding tracks with a low vertical profile and reduced footprint.

MAESTRO BEAM&WALL is the SCM software that makes the programming and use of the machine simple and intuitive. Interpreting projects with BTL format, standard in the sector, it allows to create the program in a few steps. It also has a function for 2D nesting to be carried out automatically.

NO RISK OF COLLISIONS and precise calculation of the production time/costs, thanks to the 3D simulation station.

工件加工宽度 3.2或4.5 m
工件加工长度 最大50 m
工件加工厚度 360 mm
电主轴功率 30 kW
刀库 12位
锯片直径 最大1020 mm



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