(512) 931-1962
Oberflächenbehandlung - Verarbeitungs und Trocknungssysteme für das Grafikdesign - METALED

In recent years Superfici has created a system dedicated to the intermediate and final curing of UV-LED inks on metal for the metal decorating market.

All Superfici UV LED systems guarantee excellent ink curing on all types of metal supports, they are installed in the machine without any modifications or can be mounted on belt conveyors like UV lamps. They allow an energy saving of about 70% also avoiding unnecessary noises and smells in the workspace.


EFFICIENCY: curing of any white printed in the first machine, of Pantones or primers which, due to the fillers normally used, need to be partially cured to avoid any transfers on subsequent colors

QUALITY: the system becomes indispensable for all pinning actions between colors and in four-color process, it is usually used before the last color to give more brightness and depth.

FLEXIBILITY: the system can be mounted inside the printing machine or on conveyor belts at the exit.

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