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La innovación natural de Valco

La innovación natural de Valco

Grupo Valco fabrica 120.000 puertas y 60.000 armarios cada año, cuenta con más de 80.000 metros cuadrados de fábricas y una producción vertical desde aserraderos hasta la entrega de productos de última generación para estructuras residenciales y contract. Su relación con SCM y el distribuidor portugués Lignotec es de larga data y ha sido estratégica en la elección de tecnologías avanzadas.

Con Decore-ative Specialties, la excelencia viaja “coast to coast”

Con Decore-ative Specialties, la excelencia viaja “coast to coast”

La empresa estadounidense fabrica componentes para muebles personalizados de alta calidad desde hace unos 60 años y, dado que el acabado es crucial para satisfacer las demandas de los clientes más exigentes, decidió adquirir tecnologías SCM y Superfici de última generación.

Mathis, el productor “XL” de los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024

Mathis, el productor “XL” de los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024

Desde 1809, Mathis es una empresa familiar especializada en el diseño, la fabricación y la construcción de edificios de madera de gran tamaño. Cliente del grupo SCM desde 1993 con el centro de mecanizado de 5 ejes "pmt" todavía en funcionamiento, en los últimos años Mathis ha tenido que hacer frente a numerosas solicitudes, incluso fuera de lo común.

Un alma de madera para cultivar una construcción verde

Un alma de madera para cultivar una construcción verde

Desde hace más de treinta años, Gelsomino Edilizia produce y construye estructuras y casas de madera. El centro de producción de Manfredonia, en la provincia de Foggia, emplea a más de treinta personas y es un punto de referencia para el desarrollo de la construcción sostenible también en el sur de Italia.

El baño cada vez más protagonista de la casa

El baño cada vez más protagonista de la casa

Gruppo Geromin fabrica muebles para cuartos de baño y zonas wellness desde 1945. Acabados, texturas y materiales de alto diseño producidos con tecnología de última generación, están diseñados para regalar auténticos momentos de relax y bienestar.

Escaliers Plasse sube aún más alto con SCM

Escaliers Plasse sube aún más alto con SCM

Especialista en la fabricación de escaleras a medida, Escaliers Plasse ha optado por trabajar para una clientela compuesta principalmente por profesionales. En este sentido, la empresa ha adquirido recientemente una línea de acabado de SCM, lo que le permite ofrecer servicios aún más completos y de alta calidad, centrándose en la sostenibilidad medioambiental.

Muebles exclusivos para vacaciones de ensueño

Muebles exclusivos para vacaciones de ensueño

Marbol realiza proyectos para hacer realidad los sueños de los inversionistas y de los interior design para los mejores hoteles y resorts de lujo en México y en otros destinos turísticos de prestigio en el Caribe. La producción cuenta con más de 1000 muebles por semana, que se caracterizan por su originalidad y la combinación de la madera con otros materiales: “Esperamos seguir creciendo y queremos hacerlo con SCM”, declara el dueño que desde más de 25 años elige el Grupo italiano por el nivel tecnológico de la maquinaria y el soporte técnico y comercial del team.

La búsqueda de la perfección en la cocina

La búsqueda de la perfección en la cocina



The spanish company specialising in the furniture sector has 150 SCM machines. The latest purchase is an automation system specifically for “batch 1”: the "stefani rocket" edgebanding line.

Bienvenidos en Gammalegno, donde calidad y pintura son inseparables

Bienvenidos en Gammalegno, donde calidad y pintura son inseparables

En Cecchini di Pasiano con una grande sonrisa en la cara (a pesar de los cubrebocas) nos recibe la familia Roman, presentándonos su empresa Gammalegno. 

Loferhome, más que un productor de muebles: especialistas del diseño a la medida

Loferhome, más que un productor de muebles: especialistas del diseño a la medida

Para la nueva planta de la empresa española, SCM ha desarrollado con el equipo Engineering una de sus soluciones más evolucionadas: un sistema de celdas flexibles “lote 1” para seccionado y enchapado, más máquinas stand alone a completamiento del proceso productivo.

Mobart 85

Mobart 85

Tres generaciones, una constante cura para el diseño. Mobart 85 es una impresa artesana especializada en la producción de muebles y arquitectura de interiores de particular calidad.



Impressive. It doesn’t happen every day to see a production line churning out something like 1,200 sofas a day! With specific standards: quality to the smallest detail and safety. In partnership with Scm Group for over twenty years.

Grupo Escato

Grupo Escato

Grupo Escato es una empresa mexicana líder a nivel mundial por sus escenografías empresariales. Fundada en el 1988, tiene clientes reconocidos como BBVA Bancomer, Santander, Citibanamex, HSBC, Telefónica Movistar, AT&T, Avaya, Nestlé, por citar solo algunos.



Turri is a historical company which was founded in 1925 in Carugo, province of Como, and is currently located in Brianza. It is headed by Andrea Turri, who from the beginning has chosen to produce what is often defined as “classical”, “art”, or “high style” furniture and accessories. Its motto is “The Art of Living”.



Chabros International Group es uno de los principales productores y proveedores de madera, chapa y una gran variedad de productos y materiales para interiores y exteriores de Oriente Medio.

Remo Cucine

Remo Cucine

Thanks to its use of automation, Remo Cucine cuts down machining times and offers final products of high quality and, most importantly, environmentally friendly, using non-toxic glues and water-based paints.



Foxstow Joinery, established in 2011 by owner Oliver Bryan, is based in the heart of Oxfordshire on the outskirts of the village of Freeland, and provides a range of high end bespoke joinery services to both consumers and businesses. 



Exclusive bicycles that are just as good as classic steel or aluminium bikes in terms of design, elegance and strength.

Bianca & Sons

Bianca & Sons

Weronika y Marco son una pareja internacional que, en 2013, decidió arriesgarlo todo e irse a vivir al campo, más concretamente a Monferrat, una región predominantemente rural de Italia. Se dedican, principalmente, a la creación de utensilios de madera y arcilla para el hogar y la cocina. Unos objetos que, después, venden por Internet.

Ghamdi Wood

Ghamdi Wood

For his custom doors and furniture Abdulrahman Al-Ghamdi put his trust in innovation made in Italy.

Glicerio Chaves

Glicerio Chaves

Glicerio Chaves Hornero, el fabricante líder de muebles juveniles y dinámicos en España, ha experimentado un crecimiento constante gracias a SCM.

Klaus Hünerkopf

Klaus Hünerkopf

The motorhomes created by the Klaus Hünerkopf - Die Premium-Manufaktur company are genuine works of art.

Piemme Arredamenti

Piemme Arredamenti

In the Tuscan countryside there is a small but forward-looking company with a clear team spirit that works on major worldwide contracts for made-to-measure furniture at the demanding, top-end of the market.

Solomon Wu

Solomon Wu

Jake Solomon is pushing his custom-built dmc system t4 sander to the max, producing subtle surface finishes on pioneering panel products that include resin, cement, rock and wood.

Euro Lamellé

Euro Lamellé

For nearly 30 years, Euro Lamellé has been manufacturing made-toorder glued wooden elements for wooden constructions.



Three generations of craftsmen are behind a small company in Grossarl. Their approach is to follow each step of the production process, from doors and window frames to furniture, from chairs to lamps and upholstery, in-house, from the design to the installation.

Etablissements Béal

Etablissements Béal

Located in the Haute-Loire region in France, the Etablissements Béal company designs and manufactures specialist chopping boards for its predominantly professional clientele under its Chabret trademark that was originally deposited in 1885.



Para satisfacer las exigencias de producción y especialización en el sector, USFloors (Grupo Shaw Industries) necesitaba de una línea completamente automática para el perfilado de listones en compuesto, de hojas individuales a pallet listos para el envío. Las expectativas de prestación exigían hasta 160 metros al minuto, igual a 100 piezas cada 60 segundos.



BinketGroup es, hoy en día, una de las principales fábricas especializadas en el sector de las puertas interiores de toda Asia Central. El gran nivel de automatización del proceso de producción, que supera el objetivo inicial de 700 puertas al día, es el resultado de la colaboración con SCM. En unos años, la empresa con sede en Rímini ha suministrado más de ochenta tecnologías diferentes y un proyecto de soporte integral.

Harris Kitchen

Harris Kitchen

A versatile SCM nesting machine perfect for a range of joinery applications, is able to size, drill and rout nested panels. Brady Harris: “For each new home, I typically design, manufacture and install the kitchen, walk-in pantry, laundry, study and barbecue area.

SCM y Legno Lab

SCM y Legno Lab

Entrega de los premios "Redesign your future": los ganadores tuvieron la oportunidad de hacer su primer prototipo de taburete de madera en un taller de carpintería real, con la ayuda de artesanos expertos y aprovechando al máximo el excepcional potencial de las máquinas SCM

Ilar Verniciature

Ilar Verniciature

Report after report, the “Door and Window System” seeks to photograph an overview of virtuous companies that provide constantly high and homogeneous quality to closure and shading systems produced and painted in Italy. The latest innovation offered by a subcontractor with a great entrepreneurial capacity.



Building yachts means taking into account individuality, quality, water resistance and humidity as well as versatility and efficiency.

Nord Produkt

Nord Produkt

Tecnología y diseño italianos para hogares en movimiento.



Masonite is a publicly traded door manufacturer serving residential and architectural customers globally.

Marco Vignoli

Marco Vignoli

Marco Vignoli worked in a company that sold tools and various machinery, including woodworking machinery and his love for the minimax universal combination machine was born there.

Rbr Ebanisteria

Rbr Ebanisteria

"Rbr started with SCM, using its traditional machines and with it has evolved, following it in the development of the machines

Prati S.r.l.

Prati S.r.l.

The main product of Prati's carpentry is the table, we can easily define them as specialists of this product



We met Marco Clozza of d3wood, a company that can not be defined with few words, but that we will try to present in this article in the most thorough and exhaustive way.

Giulio Migani

Giulio Migani

Giulio started his carpentry business 5 years ago. He is an electronic expert, graduated in Rimini and a student for a couple of years at the Polytechnic University of Milan in automation engineering.

Roberto Marcazzan

Roberto Marcazzan

Roberto Marcazzan begins our interview explaining his propensity towards manual work with the phrase: "just finished middle school, I burned the backpack".

Mutti Woodshop

Mutti Woodshop

The carpentry business was brought to the family by the "grandfather" who in Ghedi began to build small furniture for everyday use, the furniture of the country farmhouse where the Mutti family

Andrea Schiavolin

Andrea Schiavolin

Andrea's activity began "working around" with his father, owner of an electrician company who transferred him the desire to use his hands to create something.

Michele Ferioli

Michele Ferioli

L'artigiano archeologo che dà nuova vita al legno

Scuola d'arte Cortina d'Ampezzo.

Scuola d'arte Cortina d'Ampezzo.

An art school with an ancient history and a young passion.

Andrea Greco

Andrea Greco

The all-round carpenter

Lorenzo Vianello

Lorenzo Vianello

Lorenzo Vianello, the Leonardo Da Vinci of Trivignano.



Thanks to a partnership with Elmag Superfici, Arnografica fitted a UV LED curing system on the NEW TGI offset, formerly the Aurelia 520 project. The traditional offset - UV LED duo proved to be a winner.



Aquanet, a Russian company that today employs almost 800 people and has reached numbers that have little to envy mass production enterprises, has decided to keep on expanding its production.

Simon Agencement

Simon Agencement

Thanks to regular investments and well-planned strategies, Menuiserie Simon has succeeded in imposing its superior quality on highly competitive markets and is now ready to take on new challenges.



La Morbidelli m800 es la máquina clave en 3D, una pequeña empresa de trabajo con madera situada en Brianza, especializada en diseño interior y exterior a medida. La empresa utiliza procesos de mecanizado rápidos, muy precisos y refinados, como el pantografiado, una moderna técnica de corte de madera cada vez más demandada. Además, también cuenta con un enfoque continuo en la innovación y el sector digital, razón por la cual trabaja con software de SCM.

Menuiserie Petit

Menuiserie Petit

Exclusive bicycles that are just as good as classic steel or aluminium bikes in terms of design, elegance and strength.



Grafiche Antiga opted for Elmag Superfici's experience and its new UV LED curing system to satisfy the high printing quality demands even on difficult papers such as material or uncoated paper.

Boris Beaulant

Boris Beaulant

Un verdadero Homo Faber, con los pies firmemente plantados en la tradición de uno de los oficios más antiguos del mundo y la cabeza mirando al futuro y aprovechando las redes sociales al máximo. Un artesano que produce creaciones únicas utilizando, exclusivamente, máquinas de SCM Group.

Zhong Zhi Xin

Zhong Zhi Xin

A new plant of the Zhong Zhi Xin company is inaugurated in China, a first step  in a great 4.6-million euro project. This confirms the Group's leadership position in the Chinese market, where in 2016 it has achieved a 20% growth compared to 2015.

Hunton Fiber

Hunton Fiber

SCM Group’s specialists are always ready to respond with state of the art solutions to any technical requirement. This was the case with Celaschi and a Norwegian client.



For more than thirty years, the company Xylème has adopted an original approach to wood-working, a profession they have followed with passion and perseverance, achieving a full understanding of the machines, technologies and tools, which makes them better able to share them with their partners.



Pantarei es una de las principales empresas italianas de procesado de paneles que trabajan para terceros. Hablar con su propietario, Domenico Londei, es como entrevistar a un "filósofo" del campo de los componentes para muebles: "El contratista", dice, "está a la vanguardia de la investigación tecnológica. Todos los días nos reunimos con los principales productores de tecnología y, como resultado de este intercambio con nuestros socios, como SCM Group, se crea el progreso tecnológico".



Fundada en Vendée en 1960 por Patrice y Annick Gautier, la empresa Gautier experimentó una fuerte expansión en sus primeros días y pronto se convirtió en una empresa líder en el sector del mobiliario infantil. La originalidad y la calidad son los sellos distintivos de esta marca.

Les Charpentiers des Alpes et Provence

Les Charpentiers des Alpes et Provence

"Les Charpentiers des Alpes et Provence" es una empresa especializada en diseño, investigación, producción, mecanizado y montaje de estructuras de madera laminada.



At Vibrobloc, a company based in Montese, in the heart of the Apennines between Emilia and Tuscany, we met the company sales director, Claudio Leoni, to talk about the dynamic company dedicated to timber construction and the new Oikos cnc machining centre manufactured by Routech, a brand of Scm Group.



Kulmbach is the capital of the Bavarian district of the same name. Plassenburg castle, famous for containing the world’s largest collection of tin soldiers, dominates the woods and forests. It is in Frankenwald, the Franconian Forest, where wood is abundant.



It is always a pleasure to go back every few years to visit the Falegnameria Bussi company in Santa Sofia, near Forlì and Cesena in the Romagna region of Italy.



Turnkey companies, private individuals and also carpenters look to the Belgian company Gebrola of Bocholt. Managing Director, Martin De Laat, has invested in passion and know-how for more than thirty years.

Window Holding

Window Holding

Since its start the company has produced over five million of doors and windows. Window Holding’s range includes products in aluminium, plastic, wood and a combination of materials, which can be used in numerous types of buildings, from private homes to complex public and commercial projects.

Traditional Sash Windows

Traditional Sash Windows

Traditional Sash Windows based in Guildford, Surrey, have been manufacturing, supplying and installing traditional sash and casement windows since 1999.



Montracon are one of the leading manufacturers of top quality trailers in Europe supplying all types and the widest range of Box Vans, Curtainsiders, Flats, Double Deckers and Fridge trailers, from three manufacturing sites in Market Weighton and Doncaster, Yorkshire and in Mallusk, Northern Ireland.



Established in 1976 in Montecchio Emilia (Reggio Emilia province), Dil Plast supplies services for consulting, design and production of any type of moulds and parts for hermoforming.

Tona Bathroom Furniture

Tona Bathroom Furniture

Tona Bathroom Furniture no espera a nadie cuando se trata de hacer una compra que lo sitúe por delante de sus colegas. Como casi todos los hombres de negocios inteligentes, Frank Shen no es una persona que deje pasar una oportunidad de oro cuando la ve.

Gamadecor Porcelanosa

Gamadecor Porcelanosa

Desde sistemas de energía geotérmica a muros cortina, desde soluciones profesionales a suelos multilaminados, desde cocinas a grifos y accesorios, desde muebles de baño a sanitarios, desde cerámica hasta mobiliario de salones y dormitorios.



BoConcept es una cadena de mobiliario danesa que combina su enfoque innovador y diseño creativo con una gran calidad en sus productos. Esto supone un desafío para sus instalaciones de producción actuales, razón por la que BoConcept ha decidido invertir en una nueva celda CNC totalmente automatizada que responda a sus necesidades y les permita contar con una producción eficaz y flexible.



Katiusha es un gigante industrial que se dedica a la fabricación de muebles: originalmente soviética, en la actualidad es una de las principales empresas de mobiliario de Rusia.



The company Lesplitinvest (in the Leningrad and Moscow oblast - autonomous region), is part of the SOUZ Industrial Holding Group and one of Russia’s leading MDF and interior door manufacturers. It recently purchased a second new CPC assembly and packaging line which allows high levels of productivity and minimum operator intervention.

Qumei Furniture Group

Qumei Furniture Group

QM has recently purchased the new packaging line from CPC - a wellknown brand of Scm Group – to guarantee excellent productivity whilst minimising the operator’s interventions.

Topol Group

Topol Group

Tal y como Sir Richard Branson dijo en una ocasión: "Inténtalo siempre. Y si fallas, levántate y vuelve a intentarlo".

Tino Sana

Tino Sana

Una empresa intrigante, no solo por sus capacidades y productos, sino también porque es una especie de "ciudad de madera", en la que conviven las reglas económicas, la atención al entorno y el talento joven y el intercambio de valores y recuerdos…

Earth Elements

Earth Elements

Earth Elements has created a great design center for material and finish options along with a new modern cabinet shop to deliver cabinets, millwork and interiors to a wide-ranging clientele. The company is located in Southwest Montana near Bozeman, Montana.



18 employees, a turnover of around € 1.5 million and a very special recipe: it’s good for business if you’re the owner of the wood-working workshop, handle production and also sales.

Tim Butler

Tim Butler

At Grampians Furniture (Halls Gap, Australia) a second chance... Halls Gap is an Australian town, the capital of the Grampians National Park. A lake, Lake Bellfield, a river, Fyans Creek, surrounded by a splendid natural environment.



With a single machining centre boasting excellent performance, Melgari of Pescarolo (Cremona province) is still a match for a market that demands production of just a few items that have to be of top quality.

Wang Mei

Wang Mei

"La búsqueda de un futuro brillante" con un maxi sistema para puertas y ventanas de SCM Group. Este es el significado de "Wang Mei", el nombre elegido para Wang Mei Wooden Window, una empresa propiedad de China ITD Investment Co. Ltd., un auténtico coloso de la industria del vidrio en China, y uno de los primeros en proponer el acristalamiento de bajas emisiones, lo cual es una muestra de su gran atención al rendimiento y las cuestiones medioambientales.



We will be discussing timber-frame construction techniques. And in particular, cross-laminated timber as a potential construction material of the future?



FAL, a leading producer of wood components, introduces on its production floor a new Routech Oikos machining centre. FAL, an acronym which stands for Fabbrica Avvolgibili Lavis (or 'rolling shutters factory of Lavis'), is located in Lavis, near Trento.

CMF Greentech

CMF Greentech

How will your new home and your new furniture be built? They have been created with a new, and patented, process and materials which allows you to choose the ingredients through various ‘recipes’.



Right in the middle of the Black Forest Lignotrend produces high quality wooden construction components. The famous Goûter shelter, for example, was built at a nearly 4,000 metre altitude on Mont Blanc using the reliable materials provided by the German company.

Sforzi Teak

Sforzi Teak

Alessandro Sforzi’s splendid decks are the exclusive finishing touch to the most beautiful boats in the world. His is a true entrepreneurial story made in Italy, born and pursued with passion and with an enduring relationship with SCM.

Dometic Seitz

Dometic Seitz

Dometic Group es una empresa global que facilita soluciones para la "vida móvil" en las áreas de Clima, Higiene, Sanidad y Alimentación. Su misión consiste en facilitar el estilo de vida móvil. El grupo de empresas, que en 2015 tuvo una facturación de 11 mil millones de coronas suecas, cuenta con aproximadamente 8000 empleados y plantas de producción en 22 países.



In Nantes we visit a company specialised in fitting commercial vehicles. MDP has focussed in this sector with 6 SCM work centres, purchased between 2004 and 2016. “After training as a joiner, I was looking for an idea to fulfil myself”, explains Pascal Dabireau, company manager. “I therefore leased a part of my father’s plant to develop a range of products to fit commercial vehicles.

Wiehl, Brunner, Pahl

Wiehl, Brunner, Pahl

The triumvirate of the title is not one of the infamous magistratures of ancient times but a contemporary group of individuals. We are talking about three capable entrepreneurs of Bingen (close to Sigmaringen), which share common interests, despite their different origins.



If there is a “genius loci” an ugly object could never be produced by Ciam of Petrignano. The company is set in the green plain between Bastia Umbra and Petrignano. Looking up on one side there is the white Assisi towering at the feet of the Subasio, on the other side there is Perugia’s Acropolis.



Grandiose results are achieved when experts in their respective fields work together. In this case it’s the so called “white skin”, an interior panelling with unique characteristics used in the concert hall of the new Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. It was created by the Hasenkopf industrial factory of Mehring with three SCM Group “Chronos” CNC machining centres with five axis.

Voglauer and SCM: tradition and innovation

Voglauer and SCM: tradition and innovation

The Austrian company remains faithful to traditional values whilst using advanced production technologies, notably including a broad range of CMS Balestrini machines, now also supported by robot technology.



SCM Group UK has commissioned the installation of a new Accord 25 FX CNC machining centre for Shepley – one of the UK’s leading fabricators of PVCu windows and composite doors.



MéO has modernised the whole production process with the inauguration of the new Cugand plant (department 85 – Vendée), which has a new SCM line for doors and window frames. This investment of over 3 million euro has resulted in excellent results in terms of highly flexible productivity and volumes.

De Win

De Win

In order to last, cooperation has to be built on solid foundations and requires constant, daily commitment. That is how the partnership between Belgian company DE WIN, specialised manufacturer of doors and windows, and Scm Group began.



The company, set up in 1961, is currently the leader of the Russian furniture market. Since the nineties it had developed a strong partnership with SCM, that was further strengthened in 2013 with the installation of the important Splitter edgebanding line for panels.

Fabbrica Mirlachova

Fabbrica Mirlachova

The exemplary story of Andrey Mirlachov, a “self-made man” who has created a model company, employing 250 people, producing state of the art, high quality furniture. A man with very clear ideas: “In terms of technology I only want the best”, which naturally led him to SCM.



Håvar Tandstad, an industrial entrepreneur, has been using SCM Group machines exclusively for 16 years and was one of the first buyers of the Morbidelli Author M100: "This machine meets my needs for flexible production and for saving time and space."

Sandi Mobili

Sandi Mobili

Magic? Yes perhaps there is a pinch of magic: a piece of furniture that opens, a sofa disappears revealing a wall with shelves, containers, LED lights and a comfortable bed. All with a simple movement, no effort and a lot of style.

Fratelli Minotti

Fratelli Minotti

At Fratelli Minotti every design request and requirement is made possible thanks to the individual skills and SCM technology. The company, located in the heart of the Brianza, works as a subcontractor for the most important furniture factories.



The largest Italian furniture company maintains its masterly mix of advanced technology and craftsmanship. The innovations in the production process have led to the Moving Line, derived from lean manufacturing, which features a state of the art SCM cpc semiautomatic packaging line.



The day begins early, after a good coffee and a journey through the French region of the Charante. We are here to visit Joubert Plywood, a company specialised in producing poplar and okoume plywood.



The Spanish Group produces high-quality plywood panels and has adopted an environmentally friendly policy based on the use of sustainable plantations. It recently installed in its Fuenmayor plant a new high-tech cell system for panel finishing equipped with Superfici and DMC solutions.

Superfici America Finishing Line

Superfici America Finishing Line

In today’s competitive global market, making your manufacturing process more efficient by implementing automation is an absolute necessity to stay competitive and successful. As companies incorporate high volume, complex, automated finishing lines, a key component to the successful operation is state-of-the-art control systems allowing for pre-programmed “recipe” selection and part tracking.



Internorm is the European leader in the production of doors and windows and known internationally for its ability to offer innovative solutions to the most demanding customers. Since it began in 1931 the family run company is based in Traun, Upper Austria, has produced over 23 million doors and windows.

Piero Dri

Piero Dri

Hay objetos bellos, y hay objetos útiles. Un sofisticado dandy pronunció la teoría, intencionadamente provocadora tal vez, de que un objeto, para poderse considerar verdaderamente hermoso, no puede tener ninguna utilidad.
