
Производственные ячейки, системы ячеек и установки


Work philosophy of producers for third parties. SCM Group's technological treasure at the service of panel processing excellence  

Pantarei is one of the leading Italian panel processing companies that work for third parties. Meeting its owner, Domenico Londei, is like interviewing a "philosopher" in the field of furniture components: "The contractor," he says, "is at the forefront of technological research. Every day we meet with major technology producers, and out of this exchange with our partners, like SCM Group, technological progress is created.

We work seven days a week to better serve both the Italian and foreign markets, and thus satisfy a very diversified demand: from companies that prefer high productivity and large numbers to those that focus on end-product customisation and consequently interested in Batch One processing.” “The relationship between the two companies was established years ago,” recalls the SCM Group Area Manager, Gianluca Mattioli, “when SCM Group Engineering designed an innovative solution for the drilling process, based on experience accumulated with the Morbidelli machines. It was a powerful solution that was much appreciated, and that led to an order of a second drilling line, then to third, fourth and fifth orders for lines of machinery.”


“The relationship between SCM Group and Pantarei is based on professional approach and guaranteed service: We don't just sell machines, we provide advanced solutions, designed with great expertise to meet every production need, even when dealing with the most ambitious projects.” - Gianluca Mattioli, Scm Group Area Manager

“Pantarei could assess by itself the level of reliability of our machines and efficiency of our very fast service, which guaranteed that the entire production system was always fully operational – a critical feature for a company that runs 24 hours a day with three shifts.

Operating today at the Pantarei plant are drilling and boring solutions that stand out for their technological excellence: two flexible Morbidelli Author 924 boring lines, with automated Mahros loading and unloading; a Morbidelli Powerflex boring line, which is the top performer among all boring solutions on the market, with extremely high production capacity and great flexibility, producing up to 80,000 panels per shift; currently being installed is the Morbidelli Powerflex S boring line, the latest Morbidelli creation, a perfect solution providing both high production
volumes and great versatility, required for "just in time" drilling.

To complete its process of customisation, Pantarei now operates a Morbidelli Author M400 machining centre with a 5-axis spindle head, used for drilling outsized pieces and folding joints; a perfect solution for customising kitchen shelves with automatic insertion of shelf supports.

Pantarei has decided to expand its ties with the SCM Group to include also panel squaring and edgebanding machines: soon a highly productive panel squaring-edgebanding line is to be installed at the Pantarei plant, offering a processing speed of up to sixty metres a minute, the finest Stefani edgebanding solution. It is the harbinger of a new technological season between SCM Group and Pantarei.

Written by Pietro Ferrari for Industria del Mobile


Pantarei (Italy)

One of the leading Italian panel processing companies

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