Roberto Marcazzan

Технологии для мастера-столяра


Roberto Marcazzan begins our interview explaining his propensity towards manual work with the phrase: "just finished middle school, I burned the backpack".

And immediately we understand the inclination of the master Marcazzan towards the art of woodworking.

In fact, he began very young, just fourteen years old, when his father, pushed by his constant requests to stop studying and start working, introduced him to the carpentry in which he worked as an employee. After a few years, his father stops working because of divergences of intent with the owner, but Roberto continues despite this, so good was the impression he had on the owner.

Roberto grew up, professionally and personally, learning the trade and exploring the secrets, until he took up the carpentry due to the retiring of the old master carpenter, who had left quite abruptly.

So at the age of only 21, Roberto was faced with his first job challenge, a challenge that he accepted and carried on successfully until the old master carpenter returned to the company and Roberto had to take a step back.

At that point, however, the taste of managing and conducting a joinery had entered his veins and his hands and he began to think about opening a woodshop of his own and in 1999 he succeeded, giving way to the history of Marcazzan joinery.

The first model was a minimax combination machine, bought when he was still employed and used for all the extra jobs he did every day after working hours: it was the machine that allowed him to become known as a carpenter and create his customers loyalty, who formed his customer base once he started his carpentry shop. From that moment on, he equipped all his carpentry with SCM machines, a brand from which he no longer get separated.

His passion continued to grow and obviously Roberto's constant thinking has always been to transmit to his children, the passion inherited from his father.

But not only that, his desire would be to be able to pass it on to others, to anyone interested in this ancient art, lending himself as a master and teacher and even if in Chiampo, where he lives and works, there are no dedicated schools or institutes, he continue to cultivate this passion and this hope and we make our best wishes to succeed in this dream.

Given the success it has had in creating a successful joinery, which performs particular and unique processes, we have no doubt that he will succeed in this new challenge.

Good luck Roberto!

Roberto Marcazzan

Roberto Marcazzan

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