action h全自动化门窗设备

(512) 931-1962
家具组装加工机械 - 门窗夹具 - action h全自动化门窗设备






Automatic self-learning of door size allows processing of even small batches while maintaining productivity equal to large production runs.

Possibility to assemble frames with 45° or 90° joints without any previous setting.

Pressing power can be adjusted according to the type of frame to be assembled.

最大加工尺寸 mm  2000 x 620(宽) x 50(高)
最小加工尺寸   mm  300 x 135 x 15(高)  
横移速度       m/minute 21
加工循环  10 - 20 
重量       Kg 1200
装机功率      kW 2,5
压缩空气 bar  6

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