gabbiani a3

(512) 931-1962
梁锯 - 斜面加工设备 - gabbiani a3

机床配备真空吸盘装载系统,可用于在紧凑的空间内和非常短的周期时间内管理薄型板材和脆弱的表面。详细的日生产报告对板锯进行高效、 连续的监测。



Maximum machine configuration owed to the wide range of available options, to meet all process and tools setting needs.
Available solutions: automatic precutting, bars with differentiated cuts and automatic labeling in masked time.

Maximum production levels with high feed speeds, 170 m/min on the carriages, 120 m/min on the pusher beam, and high saw carriage power (up to 37 kW).

Maximum integration with complete and flexible solutions to ensure fast loading and unloading processes.

Maximum technology 
The prismatic guides allow to obtain:

  • high cutting precision
  • maximum reliability
  • high resistance to mechanical stress
  • maintenance free thanks to centralised and control monitored lubrication
切割尺寸 mm 3200x2440, 4500x2440, 5600x2440
锯片伸出量 mm 130 - 165
主锯片引擎 kW 18,5 - 22 - 30 -37
锯座速度 m/min 170
推杆速度 m/min 135





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