formula eco系列工业除尘器设备

(512) 931-1962
细木工机 - 除尘器 - formula eco系列工业除尘器设备


Easy-to-use and power
The formula eco dust extractors with outer filter bag are the easiest and most economical solution for dust and shavings in your workshop.


  eco 300sk
eco 300s
eco 300d eco 350t eco350q
袋数 1 2 3 4
空气流量 (m³/h) 2550 3900 4560 4560
风扇直径 (mm) 300 305 356 356
排气系统附件,数目 2 3 4 4
排气系统附件,直径 (mm) 100 100 100 100
袋直径 (mm) 500 500 500 500
袋容量 (m³) 0,15 0,43 0,59 0,79
50 Hz
60 Hz
1,5kW (2hp)
2,2kW (3hp)
2,2kW (3hp)
2,2kW (3hp)
3,7kW (5hp)
3,7kW (5hp)
5kW (7hp)
5kW (7hp)

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