L'invincibile six推台锯

(512) 931-1962
细木工机 - 推台锯 - L'invincibile six推台锯


购买"L'invincibile six"推台锯意味着客户可获得定制化的解决方案,因为这款产品是多年经验积累、技术研究和意大利SCM木工推台锯创造力的共同成果。


锯片双倾:实现最大高度,无需折中。该SCM专有解决方案能够同时使用550 mm锯片和160 mm划槽锯片,进行90 °和± 46 °倾斜切割,对镶板和实木构件都能实现最佳性能。


eye-S console: the pleasure of controlling all machine functions from the control panel. The new control panel, with its attractive design, allows easy and intuitive machine programming, combining the 15” colour touch-screen display and the Maestro active user interface.

Full support: user friendly and precise mechanical components. It provides maximum support for the panel for any angle due to the exclusive SCM patented solutions consisting of a single centre of rotation for maximum reliability over time. The electronic control updates in real-time the data for the positions of the three wireless LCD stops on the "Quick Lock" fence.

L'invincibile si x    
最大锯片直径(安装划槽装置) mm 550
锯片从工作台的最大伸出量(90°/+46°/-46°) mm 200/130/105
纵剖导向板上的切割宽度 mm 1500
磨边能力 mm 3200 ÷ 3800 x 3200
三相电机功率/频率 kW/Hz 9 (11) / 50 (60)

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