minimax me 35小型封边机

(512) 931-1962
细木工机 - 封边机 - minimax me 35小型封边机

易于使用,配备全包式设备:minimax me 35可对板材边缘进行胶合,还可使用厚度不超过5 mm的实木封边条,在同类封边机中的性能水平最佳。





Designed for a perfect finish
A new combined end cutting-rounding unit with rigid structure for unique quality processing in its market segment. Now the rounding process is available for all workshops.

Brillant idea
The optional end-cutting unit with "Radius" allows to make a radius on the corners of the edged panel without the need of the operator to have to finish by hand at a later stage: brillant idea to a finished product of high quality.

Machining units with automatic on/off system and multi-radius tools
High performance and rapid setting thanks to the new automatic system with pneumatic on/off controlled by the machine NC for trimming unit, edge scraping unit and glue scraping unit.
Flexibility and accuracy to perform a radius on the edge with the multi-radius tools, available for trimming unit and edge scraping unit: possibility of machining different edge thicknesses with automatic set up.

minimax me 35    
工作台尺寸 mm 3000 x 525
滚压边厚度(最小-最大) mm 0,4 ÷ 3
封边条最大厚度 mm 5
板材高度(最小-最大) mm 8 ÷ 50
板材最小长度/宽度 mm 190/110
进给速度 m/min 7

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