pack f 100自动化包装机

(512) 931-1962
包装 - 家具包装机械 - pack f 100自动化包装机

这款机床可使用Airball塑料薄膜和拉伸缠绕聚乙烯自动包装产品。使用Airball塑料薄膜对产品进行定制缠绕,然后使用聚乙烯进行水平拉伸缠绕,从而完成产品的包装。Airball拉伸缠绕聚乙烯包装适用于组装家具制造商(厨房等)以及单块/堆叠板材(厨房台面等)。CPC的自动聚乙烯拉伸缠绕包装线根据客户需求定制,这些包装线必须涉及要求的生产能力、生产类型以及产品系列,符合产品搬运和运输时对包装的特殊需求。通过"cool packaging"这种包装技术(拉伸缠绕聚乙烯与Airball薄膜相结合),客户可以实现有效的包装,与收缩缠绕聚乙烯技术相比,它的节能效率极高。


FILM SAVING thanks to the reel carriage with frictionable pre-stretch

PERFECT FINISHING OF THE PACKAGING thanks to the automatic cutting and sealing system

HIGH FLEXIBILITY OF PROGRAMMING thanks to the intuitive touch screen control panel

Min product length* mm 800
Min product width* mm 300
Max product width* mm 1350
Min product height* mm 30
Max product height* mm 200
*Values refer to the machine in photo. Machine can be customized according to customer needs    

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